Which Hobbies Should You Be Encouraging Your Kids To Explore?

Which Hobbies Should You Be Encouraging Your Kids To Explore?

Hobbies are an important part of a child’s development. Their benefits include boosting creativity, improving intelligence, and instilling a sense of achievement and self-improvement as kids grow. Hobbies are one of the many ways in which children build an identity for themselves, and they can also be a great family bonding experience. If you are struggling to choose which hobbies to introduce your children to, these are all great options.


Kids love to hear their parents tell stories, but how about learning the story of where their family came from? Genealogy can help children improve their sense of identity, feel more connected to their families, and build resilience due to learning about the challenges their relatives faced. 

You can get your child involved in researching your family history with you. Look through photo albums together, read letters written by family members, and ask relatives more about your family tree — you can even create one with your kids. There are also lots of great genealogy apps and websites your family can explore. You’ll find games and activities on websites like The Genealogy Kids and Family Tree Kids, and children can learn more about important dates in history as well as what the culture was like during those times.


According to Time, children who are exposed to music lessons are able to detect different elements of sound. This can aid in the development of the child’s nervous system and can lead to a greater chance of academic success. 

Learning an instrument is a lifelong task, but one that has many proven benefits for both children and adults. By getting your child involved with music as soon as possible, you heighten their chances to reap these benefits throughout their lives.


You can get your kids interested in science from a young age by testing out various experiments with them at home. For younger kids, try easy, fun activities like making edible glass or creating magic milk. For older kids, invest in a science kit, a microscope, or a telescope, or sign them up for a science-focused after-school group. 

There are also a wide variety of outdoor hobbies your child can explore, which can foster an interest in the natural world. These include birdwatching, collecting plant specimens, and gardening.


Sports act as both a passion and a form of exercise. They are great for physical and mental health, but they can also help a child develop important skills like teamwork, leadership, and strategic problem-solving. All kids should be encouraged to practice at least one form of physical activity regularly. 

Don’t be limited in your idea of what constitutes a sport. Dancing, yoga, archery, hiking, and rock climbing are all very different from traditional team sports, but are all great for your child’s health and have their own unique advantages. When choosing a sport, focus on your child’s interests, temperament, and personality, but also consider your own schedule, budget, and availability. 

Manual Crafts

Every kid has tried drawing and painting, but there is a huge wealth of great crafts available for children that go beyond traditional art mediums. These include activities like sewing, knitting, woodworking, making jewelry, and decoupaging. 

Much like playing an instrument, manual hobbies improve dexterity and coordination. They are also usually creative, giving your child tools to develop a unique and interesting art form. According to ThinkFun, this means that arts and crafts can make a child feel more confident and obtain a greater sense of self-worth.

It is difficult to overestimate how beneficial hobbies can be for children. Hobbies provide a sense of identity and achievement outside of their school performance, arming them with confidence, resourcefulness, and resilience. The hobbies explored above are all particularly good choices, but there are many, many more great activities to get your kids passionate about. When it comes down to it, any hobby that keeps a child engaged, passionate, and eager to learn is a good one.